Hello! Thanks so much for swinging by!! As I write this, we're in the final stages of getting the website ready, the initial batches are ready and raring to go (excluding all the previous versions that didn't quite make the cut!) and the energy is high in the office. We've been working hard to bring NOULA to life and it's nearly time!! If the excessive use of exclamation marks is an indicator of my mental state right now, I don't know what is.

As you may know, my background is in male cosmetics (shameless plug incoming: The Brighton Beard Co.) and so it feels even more exciting to be launching, as candles are something I personally love to use and being able to put my own spin on them, feels pretty good!

Feeling good is at the heart of NOULA. We want to create products that become part of your feel good rituals. Something we think is an important factor; taking time out of the crazy paced world we live in, to take some time to slow down and renew our energy. As the saying goes, you can't pour from an empty cup, and so we hope that our products become entwined with your moment of calm.

On this blog I hope to share the lowdown on all things NOULA, as well as other little insights that will hopefully enrich your day-to-day. Expect bits about astrology, crystals and mindful rituals to help us all navigate planet Earth together!

Anyway, enough from me for now - I really hope you enjoy our products as much as we have enjoyed creating them. 

Love & light,

Jessica x